For the last few years, I have found the transition from one year to another to take a little more time than the unrealistic, overnight everything changes approach, that is normally associated with New Years Eve.  Along with changing the way I prepare for the coming year, which has become a celebration for the sun rising as the first day dawns, I have also began to adopt a softer more gentle approach to stepping into the year ahead.

Recently I read the word ‘lacuna’ and although I didn’t know what the word meant, it resonated strongly.  On further investigation I discovered that it means a gap, an unfilled space, a cavity.  It is the space in-between before and after and I realised that this is exactly what January feels like for me.

This year, more than any others, the sense of needing space between what I was letting go and what is to come, has been so necessary.  January has felt like a void, a place of no-thing, and of everything.  So much has been surfacing for myself, for others, for the country I live in and for the planet as a whole.  This time has been necessary to allow deep integration, understanding and new perspectives to unfold.

With hindsight, I can see that January was such an important time to prepare me for what the year will bring.  Although there were times of frustration at not being able to move forwards or take action on my intentions.  There was also a need for physical rest and recuperation after a really busy year. There were some moments of feeling lost and ungrounded and questioning the path I was on, and there were also times when I was too hard on myself, because I believed I should have had all my plans in place before the new year started.

The lacuna has been the gift that has allowed me to lean into the new year with gentleness and grace.  To let go of frustration and allow it to be what it is.  To deepen my understanding that to maintain balance in my life, I need to pay attention to what my body is telling me.  To discover that even though I can perceive myself as lost, if I allow myself to sit in the lacuna in peace and acceptance, I am honouring the needs of my Soul, and to deepen my understanding that I don’t need to push or strive, I just need to allow and attract.

You may have been experiencing this too, in your own way.  I hope that you can give yourself the gifts that the lacuna may have bought you and allow them to be your foundation for the year ahead.

I would love to hear whether you have been experiencing this too, and how you have transitioned through the lacuna of January.  Drop a comment below if you feel drawn to share.


  1. Kylie

    I couldn’t agree more! I couldn’t wait for Jan (or maybe for 2019 to finish🤔) but it felt a nothing month. I decided this year that Feb will be the New Year for me. Thank you. I love the word

    • Fiona Weatherhead

      You are so welcome Kylie, it was nice to have a word to wrap around the feeling xx

  2. Jennifer Hodges

    Hi Fiona,
    love your discovery of the lacuna concept. Feels very true!
    Yes, January thus year has felt quite weird & discombobulating, & definitely about reassessing & letting go of old things..scary! My birthday is in March, so that often feels like my personal new year I have another chance to re-set! 🤔🤓

    • Fiona Weatherhead

      Hi Jennifer, yes it is an uncomfortable place to sit between what has been let go of, and what is yet to come. I hope your birthday brings you a beautiful awareness of what the year holds for you xx

  3. Valentina Jamirze

    Hi Fiona this is great I love totally on the same page thank you for explaining in a way only you know how

    Warmest regards

    • Fiona Weatherhead

      You are so welcome Valentina, and I’m pleased it resonated with you too xx

  4. Nicola Nolet

    I could not have described January in better terms. Yes its a void. Tbe letting go of last year. The festive traditions with famy etc and then….. and when building a buikding as whefe are Stage two of ourbuild a double garage and an apartment on top ..we need suppls and tradespersons …but everyone on holidays. Let alone what i want to put in place. And then heck itz Feburary and March is loom8ng. Hilarious it happens every year. But some Janruarys are weirder than otbers.

    • Fiona Weatherhead

      Hi Nicola, yes January has become this weird and wonderful place of everything and nothing. It is however, wonderful to know that others are experiencing it too, which helps us all to surrender a little more easily xx


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